Boyfriend (kari) Wiki


[New Year]
Amane Keito
Card ID: 202
Rarity: R
Cost: 5
Sell for: 5000 men
Max.Level: 40
Min. ATK/DEF: 636/564
Max. ATK/DEF: 2859/2535
Skill: Increases King type's attack


[New Year]
Amane Keito+
Card ID: 203
Rarity: R
Cost: 8
Sell for: 7500 men
Max.Level: 40
Min. ATK/DEF: 763/676
Max. ATK/DEF: 3429/3040
Skill: Increases King type's attack


[Convenience store SP]
Amane Keito
Card ID: 204
Rarity: HR
Cost: 8
Sell for: 15000 men
Max.Level: 50
Min. ATK/DEF: 954/846
Max. ATK/DEF: 4287/3802
Skill: Increases King type's attack


Voice Japanese English
僕の邪魔はさせない。 I don't let you disturb me.


Go obsessed with it (夢中にさせて)

How to Acquire[]

  • Event (Together for Year End/New Years holidays - Dokidoki♥Winter Break)


Step 1[]

Japanese English
Chatting Time:

年が変わるからなんなの……。 So, what if the year changes?
Chatting Time:

浮かれてる奴、見たくない。 I don't want to see the high-spirited guy.
Chatting Time:

冬休み、短すぎ……。 The winter break is so short.
Phone date comment:

ハァ?なんでボクがデートなんか……。……そりゃ大抵、家で暇してるけど……。 Huh? Why should I date?....though I have free time mostly.

Step 2-4[]

Japanese English
Chatting Time:

ボク、喋らないから。 I....don't want to talk.
Chatting Time:

……帰って寝たい。 I want to go home and sleep.
Chatting Time:

教室の電気、全部切れればいいのに。 I wish the classroom's electricity should blackout.
Phone date comment:

行ってあげてもいいけど。……アンタさ、どこも忙しいって季節なのに、呑気だよね。 I can go out with you, but....even though it's busy season you are easygoing person.

Step 3-5[]

Japanese English
Chatting Time:

どんよりて感じるの空.....いいよね。 The sky which could feel's good.
Chatting Time:

ボク.....早く帰りたいだけど。 I....want to go home quickly.
Chatting Time:

アンタさ......何し にきたの? What are you....come here for?
Phone date comment:

アンタ何考えてるわけ.....何も考えてなさそうだけど....いいよ付き合ってあげる。 What are you thinking....looks like you are not thinking anything...okay I will go out with you.

Step 8[]

Japanese English
Chatting Time:

……アンタは、楽しい? Are you....having fun?
Chatting Time:

年越しとか、よく飽きないよね……。 You won't get tried on days like New Year Eve.....
Chatting Time:

毎日、全部同じでしょ。 Probably, everyday will be the same.
Phone date comment:

ヤダ。どこも人でごった返すの、目に見えてる。……けど、静かな場所なら行ってもいい。 I don't want...I can see people being crowded...but it's okay go to quiet place.
Phone date comment:

……ふーん?なに、ボクとのデートで年末年始を飾りたいとか?そう言えばいいのに。 want to write New year card on our date? It's okay to tell me.
Phone date comment:

……本気で、変な女。いつ行くのかは、アンタに決めさせてあげる。場所はボクが決めるよ。 Seriously, strange woman...I will let you decide when to go. I will decide for the location.
Affection MAX:

ボクの気が向いたときは付き合ってあげてもいいよ?代償は必ず払ってもらうけどそれくらいの覚悟はあるんでしょ? I think I will go out with you when I change my mood? You are prepare for the price that you will have pay definitely?